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Today's Necessity; Functionality


Today's Necessity; Functionality

Today, the most important purpose of life is to produce and benefit. Production has become a self-reinforcing and self-existent phenomenon. People who do not produce are ignored. Although we fight internally against the obligations imposed on us by others, these obligations become our habits over time. Obligations that are not chosen by the person himself/herself, which are often unfamiliar to him/her, cause anxiety in people and then bring about a period of emptiness in which the meaning of life is questioned due to the inability to assert oneself. Over time, people begin to feel the burden of this situation more heavily and when they look back, they encounter months or even years of lost time. After that moment, what matters is what the person wants. For this reason, it can be very valuable for people to stop and think about what they want. Because there is no comparison between the pleasure one gets from fulfilling obligations that are functional but imposed by others, and the pleasure one gets from doing things that are not functional but that one wants.

Therefore, we should leave behind the obligations imposed on us by others and think about what we want ourselves.